The Crisis Professional Curriculum


The Crisis Professional Curriculum contains all of the courses required to become a Crisis Professional and utilize the Colorado Crisis Assessment in the state of Colorado.

Enroll in this course to gain access to the full curriculum of courses. 

Learning Audience

This asynchronous course is designed for behavioral health service providers, social workers, counselors, peer support specialists, and other professionals who support individuals with substance use and behavioral health conditions.

Continuing Education Credits

Some courses within the Crisis Professional Currriculum are eligible for Continued Education Units (CEU) upon completion, which are awarded as follows: 

  • 1 CEU credit awarded per (1) hour of completed learning

The University of Colorado is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The University of Colorado maintains responsibility for this program and its content. 

Questions about CE credits? 

Curriculum Content Details
Price: Free