Addressing the critical need for building and sustaining a competent behavioral health workforce in Colorado. These trainings focus on recruitment strategies, professional development, retention practices, and enhancing job satisfaction to strengthen the workforce's capacity to meet the increasing demand for behavioral health services across the state.

Behavioral Health Workforce: Meeting Today's Needs and Building the Pipeline for the Future
An overview of the need for behavioral health professionals, the impacts of workforce shortages and discussion of a framework for recruitment, retention, and building a pipeline for training future behavioral health professionals.
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Equity, Diversity & Inclusion for Organizational Leadership
An overview of the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to create an inclusive workplace; and how management and leadership teams can develop strategies to promote diversity, ensure fair practices, and make all employees feel valued and supported.
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Foundations in Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion
An overview of the key concepts of EDI; knowledge and tools to contribute positively to an inclusive workplace culture; and an understanding of EDI concepts, the importance of these practices, and how they help in decision-making processes.
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Incorporating Inclusivity: Strategies for Cultural Humility in Action
An overview of the knowledge and skills necessary for understanding and fostering cultural humility in behavioral health practices, including recognizing personal biases and assumptions, and effective communication strategies.
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We Can't Do It Alone and We Don't Have To: Advancing Mental Wellbeing and Connecting Communities to Care with Behavioral Health Workforce Extenders
An overview of the roles of community health workers, peers, crisis professionals, and qualified behavioral health assistants including the differences in their respective roles and information to support the extender role.
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