Children, Youth and Families

The Intersection of Behavioral Health and Child Welfare: Working Together to Improve Outcomes for Children, Youth, and Families
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Trauma Identification and Intervention in Children Aged 0-5 Series
The courses in this series equip you with knowledge and tools to support infants and young children (0-5) experiencing trauma symptoms in Colorado. You'll learn to recognize trauma symptoms, understand its impact, and explore prevention, intervention, and treatment programs, gaining practical experience in selecting evidence-based approaches for trauma care in community settings.
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Trauma Informed Care
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Trauma Informed Care for Inclusive Healthcare
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Trauma-Informed Care for Children & Adolescents
This training provides an understanding of trauma-informed care tailored to children and adolescents. Participants will gain insights into the impact of trauma on young individuals and learn evidence-based practices to effectively support and promote healthy outcomes in this vulnerable population. This training will focus primarily on the following developmental stages:
1. Early school age (age 5-7)
2. Middle school age (age 8-12)
3. Early adolescence (age 13-17)
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Trauma-Responsive Care Foundations
This course covers guidelines for application of trauma-responsive care principles to behavior intervention plans and crisis prevention plans, as well as group behavior systems such as classroom management systems, residential facility programs, and school discipline policies.
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Treatment Approaches for Pregnant Persons with Opioid Use Disorder
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Understanding Decision-Making Options
Welcome to Understanding Decision-Making Options, presented by the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing.
This course provides an overview of the legal and practical aspects surrounding decision-making options for individuals with disabilities. It specifically focuses on individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, who are more often placed under restrictive decision-making arrangements.
This course begins with a historical perspective to highlight the importance of advocating for individuals' rights to make their own decisions. We will then explore various decision-making options, including guardianship and supported decision-making, to provide you with a thorough understanding of their purposes and implications. Finally, we will cover best practices for evaluating decision-making capacity, providing you with guidance to conduct assessments that respect the individual's autonomy and serve their best interests.
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Understanding Opioid Treatment Programs
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